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Seongju GunCouncil

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Council to communicate, Council to act

Seongju Gun Council

Home > Function of the council > Roles

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Voting Right

The council is the final deliberative organ making the decisions on behalf of the residents

Deliberative matters based on the Local Government Act

  • Enactment, revision and abolition of the local acts
  • Deliberation and confirmation of budget plans
  • Approval of settlement
  • Imposition and collection of charges, commissions, contributions, local taxes and entrance fees, which are not specified in the statues
  • Establishment and operation of a fund
  • Acquisition and disposition of important properties defined by the Presidential decree
  • Installation, management and disposition of public facilities defined by the Presidential decree
  • Imposition or waiver of obligations excluding these specified in the statues and ordinances
  • Receipt and grant of petitions
  • Indebtedness such as municipal bonds
  • Deliberation of continuing expense and approval of reserve fund
  • Matters pertinent to the authorities based on the related statues

Administrative monitoring right

  • Monitoring and suggestion such as whether the administration properly establishes and executes budget, whether any unnecessary or excessive burden is borne by the citizens, and whether they perform administration for the local development and welfare?

  • Performing the audit of the whole administration within 7 days during two regular session a year
  • Investigating specific issues, requiring the resolution of the general meeting

Suffrage, Autonomy

  • The council shall have, at the sole discretion, the right to determine the proceedings and the internal matters according to the suffrage and kinds of acts of the structure.