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Seongju CountyCouncil

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Council to communicate, Council to act

Seongju County Council

Home > Function of the council > Convocation

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Regular sessions twice a year and irregular sessions, if necessary are held and the number of days totally may not be longer than 80 days.


Local council is not activated all over the year while it works only for a specified term and the members gather in a certain place to exercise the unique functions, which is called 'assembly.'

Regular session


1st regular session : Convocation at every July 7th for budget planning, settlement and other matters

2nd regular session : Convocation at every November 22nd for administrative monitoring and budget deliberation

Irregular session

1st regular session : Convocation at every July 7th for budget planning, settlement and other matters

2nd regular session : Convocation at every November 22nd for administrative monitoring and budget deliberation

Procedure of general meeting

  1. Proclamation of opening
    The chairperson officially proclaims the opening of meeting
  2. Report
    The secretary general reports the necessary facts for the members` meeting
  3. Presenting
    the chairperson presents a received bill
  4. Explanation of proposal(review & report)
    a presenter explains a proposal while the committee`s chairperson reports it.
  5. Q&A
    a member who wish to ask questions applies for speaking
  6. Discussion
    • applying for speaking to the chairperson in discussing
    • in good order of objection discussion consent discussion
  7. Voting
    • if there is no objection, the chairperson
    • if any objection, the judgement is determined by standing vote or raising hands
    • it may be also by secret vote or open vote
  8. Adjournment
    the chairperson proclaims the end of meeting officially upon the completion of daily schedule and notify the members of the next session

Procedure of proceedings at the general meeting

  1. Proposal
  2. Explanation or reporting to the committee
  3. Q&A
  4. Discussion
  5. Resolution(voting)

If there is any question, the agenda needs additional explanation to the chairperson or members who reviews and reports it; in case of an explanation on suggestion, the member who suggests or explains it should answer questions and then, the discussion is scheduled in good order of opposition and consent. Upon the discussion, the end of it is proclaimed with voting. Voting is the final step to determine an agenda by the judgement from consent or opposition while the method will be by unanimity, secret voting or open voting; if there is any opposition, lmost agendas will be processed by standing vote, but if there is no Q A, discussion of opposition/consent, it will be adopted by unanimity. In addition, if there is the resolution at the general meeting by the consent of the chairperson or the members, voting may be by the resolved method while elections in the council will be voted secretly. Except for specific matters, voting for general matters shall be resolved by majority attendance and majority consent while the chairperson shall have the voting right and a tie is construed to be rejection. upon the completion of daily proceedings, it follows the proclamation of next meeting and adjournment.